Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Mexico

Strengthening trade ties: the Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Mexico as a pillar of connectivity and business development

Interview with Nuria Diego, General Director of the Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Mexico.

1. What does the Chamber offer?

The Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Mexico offers a wide variety of services aimed at promoting and strengthening economic and business relations between Spain and Mexico. Our services include promoting brand presence on platforms, training and access to content of interest, linking with governments and organizations that allow companies to have institutional representation, networking activities in strategic sectors in the country, as well as actions for international development. In addition, we facilitate connectivity through integration into a network of contacts and the strengthening of value chains.

We strive to be the link and point of reference for all Spanish-owned companies that wish to establish or expand their commercial relations between Mexico and Spain.

2. What is the economic and commercial situation in Mexico?

Mexico has become an increasingly attractive destination for investment due to the diversification of supply chains. The global logistics crisis, accentuated by the pandemic and geopolitical factors, has led many companies to reconsider their dependence on global supply chains, and Mexico, due to its proximity to key markets such as the United States, has emerged as a viable option for the production and distribution of goods.

The nearshoring phenomenon has been fundamental in this context. Companies are relocating their manufacturing and services operations in Mexico to be closer to their main markets, which has placed the country in a privileged position.

In addition, the Isthmus of Tehuantepec Interoceanic Corridor, one of the federal government’s infrastructure projects, is gaining strategic relevance for supply chains as an alternative for the transportation of goods between the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. This corridor will not only facilitate international trade, but could also become an engine of economic development for the region.

Despite global challenges, Mexico has maintained relative macroeconomic stability and implemented government policies that encourage investment. This has generated confidence among investors and further strengthened the country’s attractiveness as a destination to establish or expand operations.

3. What plans are there for the Chamber in the future?

At the Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Mexico, we are committed to continuing to evolve and adapt to the needs of our members and the ever-changing business environment. We will focus on key areas such as nearshoring , sustainability, inclusion and, above all, innovation in the face of a growing community of entrepreneurs who demand innovative networking tools that allow them to develop their activities, which we consider essential for the growth and competitiveness of companies in the current context.

To consolidate these efforts, we will organize events that will serve as meeting platforms for companies, associations and institutions, making them reference points for all our stakeholders. These events will not only facilitate the creation of contact networks, but also the generation of ideas and collaboration on projects that strengthen relations between Spain and Mexico.

In addition, we will pay special attention to closely monitoring the needs of our partners, prioritizing personalized attention. We want to ensure that each member receives the specific support and resources they need to thrive in the current business environment. This approach seeks not only to improve the satisfaction and commitment of our partners, but also to strengthen the business network between Mexico and Spain, providing the necessary tools for growth and adaptation to the market.

In short, our goal is for the Chamber to remain relevant and sustainably adapt to changing environments, ensuring greater engagement and success for our members.
